Hi all…
This ragi Mudde is a very favorite dish in Karnataka…many people used to have this ragi mudde daily in their lunch. Even in Andhra Pradesh people like to eat this..this is also called sodi Annam in telugu. My grand ma used to prepare this sodi Annam and force us to eat with curd rice mainly in summer.
This finger millet (ragulu/sodulu) contains rich set of vitamin B ,Iron, Zinc ,Folic acid and Potassium.It is the richest source of calcium providing 8-10 times more calcium than wheat and rice….. In India from ragi they prepare a ragi malt & they feed the baby from 8 months as a solid food. they don't use the cereal.
pre&cooking: 15 mints || serving : 2 persons || cuisine : Indian
large mouthed vessel
3 glass of water
2 cup of ragi flour
salt to taste
one drop of oil
one wooden stick / long steel spoon
Put 3 glass of water. bring the water to boil & add salt &oil to it.Instead of directly pouring the ragi floor to water you can mix it in cold water make a tick dough & add to boiling water( to avoid forming lumps)...stir it with wooden stick so that it can free from lumps (muddalu). After mixing well still it becomes soft like dough. Bake it well for 5 minutes by covering lid. after five minutes you find white vapors. Remove it from stove & make a small ball of ragi..(By wetting you hands with little water, press the dough and make them to a round shaped balls) & sever the ragi with sambar... while serving with sambar you can use ghee with sambar.
This ragi mudde or sodi mudda can be taken with any curry and even curd.
In my opinion, it takes some time for any one to get adjusted to the taste of these ragi balls, but once you get used to it, they taste delicious :-)
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